Yosef Levenbrown, DO
Critical CareInsurance Accepted
- Aetna Better Health PA Kids HMO
- Aetna HMO
- Amerihealth Caritas Delaware
- Amerihealth Caritas Delaware Next
- Cigna/Great West HMO EPO POS
- Cigna/Great West PPO
- Delaware First Health
- Delaware Medicaid/Diamond State
- Delaware Medicare
- Devon Health Services
- Fidelis Care NJ Medicaid HMO
- First Health/Affordable PPO
- Geisinger Health Plan Commercial
- Global Medical Managment DE/PA
- Health Partners Medicaid/Kidz Partner HMO
- Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield of Delaware
- Highmark Medicaid Health Options
- Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey
- Independance Blue Cross/Amerihealth/Keystone Health Plan
- Insurance Administrators of America
- INTEGRA Administrative Group (ClaimsBridge)
- Interlink Transplant
- Keystone First Medicaid HMO
- Lifetrac Transplant
- Maryland Medicaid
- Multiplan PPO
- National Transplant (Humana)
- New Jersey Medicaid
- Pennsylvania Medicaid
- Plan Vista/NPPN PPO
- Preferred Healthcare PPO
- Private Health Care Systems (PHCS)
- Qualcare HMO/POS/PPO
- Star Healthcare Network
- Three Rivers Provider Network
- Tricare/Humana Military Health Services/CHAMPVA
- United Healthcare of the Mid-Atlantic
- US Family Health Plan
- Wellpoint Maryland Medcaid
Utilising pneuRIP device in determining the adequacy of respiratory support when weaning high-flow nasal cannula in paediatric patients with acute respiratory distress: A pilot study; Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health; (2022).
Effect of positive end-expiratory pressure on additional passive ventilation generated by CPR compressions in a porcine model; Intensive Care Medicine Experimental; (2021).
The effect of positive end-expiratory pressure on cardiac output and oxygen delivery during cardiopulmonary resuscitation; Intensive Care Medicine Experimental; (2020).
Use of pulse contour technology for continuous blood pressure monitoring in pediatric patients; Blood Pressure Monitoring; (2020).
Edema; Nephrology and Fluid/Electrolyte Physiology: Neonatology Questions and Controversies; (2018).
Impact of Obesity on Outcomes in Critically Ill Children; Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition; (2018).
22q11.2 Deletion syndrome is associated with increased perioperative events and more complicated postoperative course in infants undergoing infant operative correction of truncus arteriosus communis or interrupted aortic arch; Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery; (2014).
Use of insulin to decrease septic shock-induced myocardial depression in a porcine model; Inflammation; (2013).
Edema; Nephrology and Fluid/Electrolyte Physiology: Neonatology Questions and Controversies Expert Consult; (2012).
Edema; Nephrology and Fluid/Electrolyte Physiology; (2012).
Outcome After Two-Patch Repair of Complete Common Atrioventricular Canal Defects in Patients Weighing Four Kilograms or Less; World Journal for Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery; (2012).
Granulomatous lung disease as the initial presentation of crohn disease; Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition; (2009).
Phosphorylation of caspase-9 in the cytosolic fraction of the cerebral cortex of newborn piglets following hypoxia; Neuroscience Letters; (2008).
Surgical repair of interrupted aortic arch with ventricular septal defect; Cardiology in the Young; (1998).
- English