Neera Kay Goyal, MD
Primary CareInsurance Accepted
- Aetna Better Health PA Kids HMO
- Aetna HMO
- Cigna/Great West HMO EPO POS
- Cigna/Great West PPO
- Devon Health Services
- Fidelis Care NJ Medicaid HMO
- First Health/Affordable PPO
- Geisinger Health Plan Commercial
- Global Medical Managment DE/PA
- Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield of Delaware *PA Loc Contiguous to DE*
- Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield of Pennsylvania
- Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey
- Independance Blue Cross/Amerihealth/Keystone Health Plan
- INTEGRA Administrative Group (ClaimsBridge)
- Keystone First Medicaid HMO
- Multiplan PPO
- Pennsylvania Medicaid
- Plan Vista/NPPN PPO
- Private Health Care Systems (PHCS)
- Tricare/Humana Military Health Services/CHAMPVA
- United Healthcare of the Mid-Atlantic
- US Family Health Plan
Group Well Child Care for Mothers with Opioid Use Disorder: Framework for Implementation; Maternal and Child Health Journal; (2023).
Marijuana and Breastfeeding: A Pilot Survey of Mothers.; Hospital pediatrics; (2022).
Hospital Readmission Among Late Preterm Infants: New Insights and Remaining Questions.; Hospital pediatrics; (2022).
Opportunities to Increase Well-Child Care Engagement for Families Affected by Maternal Opioid Use Disorder: Perceptions of Mothers and Clinicians.; Academic pediatrics; (2022).
Association of Positional Plagiocephaly and Developmental Delay Within a Primary Care Network.; Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics : JDBP; (2021).
Variation in Newborn Skincare Policies Across United States Maternity Hospitals.; Hospital pediatrics; (2021).
Well-Child Care Adherence After Intrauterine Opioid Exposure. ; Pediatrics; (2020).
Improving Hospital Care of Opioid-Exposed Newborns: Successes and Remaining Questions.; Hospital pediatrics; (2020).
Regional and practitioner variations in reporting infant mortality.; The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians; (2020).
Identified gaps and opportunities in perinatal healthcare delivery for women in treatment for opioid use disorder.; Substance abuse; (2020).
What aspects of their child's primary care do mothers value? A qualitative analysis of perspectives of women in treatment for opioid use disorder.; Child: care, health and development; (2020).
Hospital Care of Opioid-Exposed Newborns: Clinical and Psychosocial Challenges; Journal of Hospital Medicine; (2020).
Adherence to Well-Child Care and Home Visiting Enrollment Associated with Increased Emergency Department Utilization.; Maternal and child health journal; (2020).
Perceptions of Pediatric Primary Care Among Mothers in Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder.; Journal of community health; (2019).
Using Quality Improvement to Implement a Standardized Approach to Neonatal Herpes Simplex Virus. ; Pediatrics; (2019).
Factors Associated With Refusal of Intramuscular Vitamin K in Normal Newborns. ; Pediatrics; (2018).
Material community deprivation and hospital utilization during the first year of life: an urban population-based cohort study.; Annals of epidemiology; (2018).
Participation in Home Visitation is Associated with Higher Utilization of Early Intervention.; Maternal and child health journal; (2018).
Reporting of Infant Mortality and Birth Outcomes Prior to Viability.; Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology; (2017).
County-level Variation in Infant Mortality Reporting at Early Previable Gestational Ages.; Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology; (2017).
Piloting a Statewide Home Visiting Quality Improvement Learning Collaborative.; Maternal and child health journal; (2017).
Refusal of Vitamin K by Parents of Newborns: A Survey of the Better Outcomes Through Research for Newborns Network.; Academic pediatrics; (2017).
Home visiting for first-time mothers and subsequent pregnancy spacing.; Journal of perinatology : official journal of the California Perinatal Association; (2016).
Care Coordination Associated with Improved Timing of Newborn Primary Care Visits.; Maternal and child health journal; (2016).
Predictors of maternal depressive symptom trajectories over the first 18 months in home visiting.; The American journal of orthopsychiatry; (2016).
Multilevel assessment of prenatal engagement in home visiting.; Journal of epidemiology and community health; (2016).
Utility of Decision Rules for Transcutaneous Bilirubin Measurements. ; Pediatrics; (2016).
Effects of home visiting and maternal mental health on use of the emergency department among late preterm infants.; Journal of obstetric, gynecologic, and neonatal nursing : JOGNN; (2015).
Discrepancies between transcutaneous and serum bilirubin measurements.; Pediatrics; (2015).
Risk Prediction for Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes in a Medicaid Population.; Journal of women's health (2002); (2015).
Evaluation of a Community-Based Approach to Strengthen Retention in Early Childhood Home Visiting; Prevention Science; (2015).
Risk of Hospital Readmission Among Infants With Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome.; Hospital pediatrics; (2015).
Using quality improvement to promote implementation and increase well child visits in home visiting.; Child abuse & neglect; (2015).
Development of a linked perinatal data resource from state administrative and community-based program data.; Maternal and child health journal; (2014).
Prioritizing a research agenda: a Delphi study of the better outcomes through research for newborns (BORN) network.; Hospital pediatrics; (2014).
Factors associated with readmission in late-preterm infants: a matched case-control study.; Hospital pediatrics; (2014).
Hospital care and early breastfeeding outcomes among late preterm, early-term, and term infants.; Birth (Berkeley, Calif.); (2014).
Length of stay and readmission among late preterm infants: an instrumental variable approach.; Hospital pediatrics; (2013).
Home visiting and outcomes of preterm infants: a systematic review.; Pediatrics; (2013).
Dosage effect of prenatal home visiting on pregnancy outcomes in at-risk, first-time mothers.; Pediatrics; (2013).
Persistence of underweight status among late preterm infants.; Archives of pediatrics & adolescent medicine; (2012).
Adherence to discharge guidelines for late-preterm newborns.; Pediatrics; (2011).
Association of late-preterm birth with asthma in young children: practice-based study.; Pediatrics; (2011).
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