Danielle Ryan Hatchimonji, PhD
En Sus Propias Palabras (in their own words): Reflections of Spanish鈥揈nglish bilingual psychologists and trainees in the United States.; Training and Education in Professional Psychology; (2024).
Student Homelessness in High School: Prevalence, Individual Characteristics, and Profiles of Risk and Multidomain Functioning; Families in Society: The Journal of Contemporary Social Services; (2024).
Family Language Preference, Not Provider-Family Language Concordance, Predicts Integrated Psychology Treatment Engagement in a Spanish-English Bilingual Clinic; Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics; (2024).
Trends in youth risk behaviours and firearm injury in the USA over 20 years; Injury Prevention; (2024).
Racial match: Black youth and pediatric integrated primary care.; Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology; (2024).
The Impact of a School-Based Academic Support Program on Students' Psychosocial Impairment; Journal of Educational and Developmental Psychology; (2023).
Mechanisms for change: A theoretical pathway for a school-wide social鈥揺motional learning initiative in an urban middle school; Frontiers in Psychology; (2023).
Associations of COVID-19 Stressors and Postpartum Depression and Anxiety Symptoms in New Mothers; Maternal and Child Health Journal; (2023).
Launching IDeA state early career clinician-scientists with mentored just-in-time grant-writing support; Journal of Clinical and Translational Science; (2023).
Rethinking Approaches to Fostering Academic Resilience; Handbook of Resilience in Children; (2023).
Risky sexual behavior and STI testing among teens experiencing homelessness; Children and Youth Services Review; (2022).
Adolescent homelessness: Evaluating victimization risk based on LGBT identity and sleeping location; Journal of Adolescence; (2022).
Establishing a Valid, Reliable, and Efficient Chart Review Process for Research in Pediatric Integrated Primary Care Psychology; Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings; (2022).
Student Self鈥怰eported Positive Purpose Over Two Years in Urban Middle Schools; Journal of Research on Adolescence; (2021).
High School Students Experiencing Homelessness: Findings from the 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS); 91制片厂在线看 Children's Health; (2021).
Spiral Model of Phronesis Development: Social-emotional and character development in low-resourced urban schools; Journal of Moral Education; (2020).
The relationship among purpose classification, purpose engagement, and purpose commitment in low socioeconomic status and ethnically diverse adolescents; Journal of Character Education; (2019).
Special issue guest editors' introduction: Frontiers in youth purpose research. ; Journal of Character Education; (2019).
Social-Normative Expectations Mediates School Climate's Association With Academic Achievement in Latino Middle School Students; Education and Urban Society; (2019).
Building a Culture of Engagement through Participatory Feedback Processes; The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas; (2018).
Students taking action together: Social action in urban middle schools; Middle School Journal; (2018).
Cultivating Noble Purpose in urban middle schools: A missing piece in school transformation; Education; (2017).
The increasing impact of socioeconomics and race on standardized academic test scores across elementary, middle, and high school.; The American journal of orthopsychiatry; (2016).
The essential convergence of social-emotional learning, character, and school culture and climate for our students' success; Tipica, Bolet铆n Electr贸nico de Salud Escolar 2015 Vol. 11 Issue 1 Pages 38-42; (2015).
Unsupportive partner behaviors, social-cognitive processing, and psychological outcomes in couples coping with early stage breast cancer.; Journal of family psychology : JFP : journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43); (2014).