
Steven K. Reader, PhD


91制片厂在线看 Children's Hospital, Delaware 1600 Rockland Road Wilmington, DE 19803


I am a pediatric psychologist at 91制片厂在线看 Children's Health in Wilmington, Delaware. My research focuses on family psychosocial assessment, including the adaptation of a brief family psychosocial screener - the Psychosocial Assessment Tool (PAT) - in Sickle Cell Disease (SCD). I was an investigator on a 5-year NIH Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE - P20-GM109021) grant focused on developing a comprehensive Sickle Cell center at 91制片厂在线看 Children's Health. The overarching goal of the mixed methods project I led as part of the COBRE was to adapt the PAT for SCD to systematically assess family psychosocial risk, in order to connect families to evidence-based care and thereby reduce health disparities. Results from the study demonstrated that the PAT is an acceptable and feasible family psychosocial risk screener from the perspectives of caregivers of youth with SCD. Results also supported the validity and reliability of the PAT in SCD. The logical extension of this work will seek to explore the potential barriers and facilitators of implementing the PAT in SCD clinical settings, to help inform the development of specific implementation strategies.


  • 91制片厂在线看 Childrens Hospital, Delaware, 2005


  • None - University of Florida, 2008

  • Engaging Caregivers and Providers of Children With Sickle Cell Anemia in Shared Decision Making for Hydroxyurea: Protocol for a Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial; JMIR Research Protocols; (2021).

  • Family Resilience From the Perspective of Caregivers of Youth With Sickle Cell Disease.; Journal of pediatric hematology/oncology; (2020).

  • Psychosocial Screening in Sickle Cell Disease: Validation of the Psychosocial Assessment Tool; Journal of Pediatric Psychology; (2020).

  • Systematic Review: Pain and Emotional Functioning in Pediatric Sickle Cell Disease; Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings; (2020).

  • Caregiver perspectives on family psychosocial risks and resiliencies in pediatric Sickle Cell Disease: informing the adaptation of the Psychosocial Assessment Tool; Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology; (2017).

  • Families and other systems in pediatric psychology; Handbook of Pediatric Psychology 5th Edition; (2017).

  • Parent鈥揅hild Groups for Externalizing Disorders: Outcomes, Sociodemographic Moderators, Attendance, and Attrition in a Real-World Setting; Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health; (2016).

  • Special considerations in working with families; Quick Reference for Pediatric Oncology Clinicians: The Psychiatric and Psychological Dimensions of Pediatric Cancer Symptom Management 2nd Edition; (2015).

  • Assessing ADHD-related family stressors with the Disruptive Behavior Stress Inventory (DBSI): a replication and extension.; Journal of clinical psychology in medical settings; (2009).

  • Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Individual child- and family-based therapies for ADHD; Current Management in Child Neurology Fourth Edition; (2009).

  • Professional Roles; Handbook of Clinical Psychology Vol 2 Children and Adolescents; (2008).

  • Implementation of an aggressive random drug-testing policy in a rural school district: Student attitudes regarding program fairness and effectiveness.; The Journal of school health; (2006).

  • Individual child- and family-based therapies for ADHD; Current Management in Child Neurology Third Edition; (2005).

  • Temperament; Encyclopedia of Clinical Child and Pediatric Psychology; (2003).

  • Child Psychotherapy; Encyclopedia of Child Clinical and Pediatric Psychology; (2003).

  • Group Therapy; Encyclopedia of Clinical Child and Pediatric Psychology; (2003).

  • Assessing stress in families of children with ADHD: Preliminary development of the Disruptive Behavior Stress Inventory (DBSI); Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings; (2002).

  • The Test of Everyday Attention for Children (TEA-Ch): patterns of performance in children with ADHD and clinical controls.; Child neuropsychology : a journal on normal and abnormal development in childhood and adolescence; (2001).