
Babies and Books

6 to 11 Months | Letter Knowledge

Prep: None | Activity Time: 5 Minutes

Use this simple four-step sequence to build your baby’s language through books. As your baby approaches his first year, he is beginning to pay closer attention to illustrations in books. Use that budding interest to build his vocabulary and language. 

  • Favorite board books, especially books with pictures of familiar objects and events 

Step 1: Focus your baby’s attention on a picture in a book by pointing at it and saying:

 "Look! "

Step 2: Ask a question about the picture. You might ask: 

"What’s this? What do you see here?"

Step 3: Wait a few seconds to see if he responds. He may vocalize, smile or maybe even say a word. If necessary, give the answer yourself. 

Step 4: Expand on the answer with more details. For example: 

"Yes, that is a doggie! Your cousin, Katie, has a doggie at her house. Do you remember the doggie’s name?  You love to pet the dog." Â