
Letter Printing With Water

12 to 17 Months | Letter Knowledge

Prep: 2–3 Minutes | Activity Time: 5–10 Minutes

Toddlers love to play with water. Use this simple water-play activity to expose your toddler to alphabet letters and their sounds. 

  • Letter sponges — homemade or purchased 
  • Buckets or bowls of water 

Step 1: Place a variety of letter-shaped sponges in a basket. Fill a bucket or bowl with water. Take your little one outside to the sidewalk or other concrete area.  

Step 2: Pick out a letter sponge and demonstrate what happens when you dip it in water, squeeze it out and then print with it on the concrete. Encourage your child to pick out a letter sponge, dip it in the water and print with it.  

Step 3: After your toddler has had time to explore and play independently with the water and sponges, you might introduce the names and sounds of the letters. For example: 

"That’s the letter /c/ /c/ C. Can you say /c/ /c/ C with me?" 

Step 4: Allow your child to choose another letter and print it on the concrete. Follow your child’s lead and interest as she chooses more letters to print.