
Cutting Straws

24 to 35 Months聽|聽Beginning Writing

Prep:聽5-10 Minutes / Activity Time: 10-15 Minutes聽

Many two-year-olds can learn to hold a pair of safety scissors and cut along a line. Why is it important to learn to cut with scissors? In addition to being a useful life skill, cutting helps to develop the same muscles necessary for holding a pencil and writing at a later age. Under supervision, you can provide age-appropriate cutting experiences for your child. Of course, to avoid unplanned haircuts, you should never leave your child alone with a pair of scissors!

  • Child-size safety scissors with rounded tip聽
  • 厂迟谤补飞蝉听
  • 惭补谤办别谤听


  • Select scissors that are child sized and have a blunt end.鈥疶he blades should be sharp enough to cut through the paper; otherwise, the paper will fold instead of cut. If your child is left-handed, look for left-handed scissors. 鈥
  • Safety first!鈥疶ell your child that scissors are not toys; they are a special tool with sharp edges that need to be handled very carefully. Let her know that she will only be able to use scissors when you or another adult are there to supervise.鈥
  • Model the correct way to hold scissors and guide your child.鈥疭cissors should always be held below the shoulder, with the elbow tucked in close to the ribs and the thumb facing upward.聽
  • Draw lines on the straws for your child to cut on.鈥疨lace the lines about 2鈥 apart.鈥

Starting the Activity:鈥

Step 1:鈥疭how your child how to cut the straws on the lines you have drawn. Then give your child the scissors and let her try. Remember to help her keep her thumb up as she cuts. If your child has trouble remembering to keep her thumb up, place a small sticker or mark on her thumb to help remind her. If necessary, you can stand behind her and gently reposition her arm and hand.鈥

Step 2:鈥Be prepared to see flying straw pieces as your child cuts. This just adds to the delight!鈥

Step 3:鈥Give your child several straws to practice on. Let her cut as long as she is interested and you have time to supervise.鈥

Step 4:鈥Send your child to search and pick up all the straw pieces that have taken flight during cutting. 鈥

Give your child straws without any marks for cutting. Just let your child cut and snip without having to worry about lining the scissors up with a line.鈥

Make narrower lines on the straws and place them 1鈥 apart.鈥