Take time to become familiar with the book, the song and the hand motions that go with it. The book can be read, but the idea is to sing so that your baby can hear the melody.
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

Author:Â Illustrated by Annie Kubler
6 to 11 Months | Poetry/SongsÂ
In this fun songbook, a diverse group of babies demonstrate the motions to the song Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes through colorful illustrations. If you are unsure of the tune, the musical score and lyrics are on the back cover. It's a great read (or sing) for babies six to eleven months old — and beyond.
Before, During and After Reading
Touch your baby’s head, shoulders, knees and toes as you sing or read the words. Sing slowly and help your baby move his hands to each body part.
Repeat the song and motions anytime, even without the book. Listen for your baby’s vocal responses and look for smiles that show your baby enjoys the song.
Find more books for babies 6 to 11 months, and explore fun, age-appropriate activities.Ìý