Listen to the songs ahead of time. Take the time to become familiar with the songs and use the book to learn the words and fingerplays that you think you and your baby will enjoy. This book is a resource for you, not a book to read to your child, but it will bring hours of fun to both of you.
Wee Sing Children’s Songs and Fingerplays

Author:Â Pamela Conn Beall & Singer Susan Hagen Nipp
Birth to 5 Months |Â Poetry/Songs
Your baby is learning to listen to language even at this young age, so it is important to expose your baby to words and music every day. This book and CD combination offers more than 70 children’s songs, including childhood classics and nursery rhymes that both you and your baby can enjoy. Song lyrics, musical scores and written descriptions of fingerplays (hand motions), make for an engaging experience for both you and your baby.Ìý
Before, During and After Reading
Look for signs that your baby is alert and calm. Position your baby comfortably on your lap, so baby can see your face. Sing along or hum with the songs so that your baby can hear your voice too.  Â
Use movement and motion as you sing. Position your baby comfortably on the floor on his back and make sure baby can see you. Choose a familiar song to you, such as Itsy Bitsy Spider, and show baby the matching hand motions as you sing along.Ìý
Play music and sing every day. You can play the CD as background music any time your baby is alert and active, such as during feeding time or while in the car. You may begin to notice a happy response from your baby to certain songs or actions! As your baby grows, you can use the book as well to point out characters, such as the spider, from baby’s favorite songs.Ìý
Find more activities that involve songs and singing, like Syllables and Songs a²Ô»å Soothing Singing.Ìý